Friday 24 January 2014

Ruby spec a ffi-rzmq project


When working with async messaging, tests are more difficult. ffi-rzmq library is special because messages are received in a weird way:
receiver.recv_string(buffer = "")
The message payload is in the buffer variable, which is passed as a parameter. To achieve testing I had to turn buffer to a instance variable (@buffer) and I resorted to the mock results Arbitrary Handling
    # e is a Emitter instance, my fictionary zeromq-based class
    @endpoint.should_receive(:recv_string) do
      e.instance_variable_set("@buffer", my_data)
    @endpoint.should_receive(:recv_string) do 
      e.instance_variable_set("@buffer", "__END_OF_DATA__")
@endpoint is a mocked socket: when it receives the recv_string method, it replaces @buffer instance variable on e. Please have a look at the example code.

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