Monday 19 April 2010

Durable Topic Subscribers from activemq with ruby stomp

Durable topic subscribers receive messages arrived in the topic while subscriber is disconnected.

Topic subcsribers (non-durable) lose messages posted while subscriber is off-line.

According to documentation, a ruby stomp durable subscriber for apache activemq-5.3.0 has to set client-id header at connection and subscriber name at subscription.

Former is achieved with:
@conn =, @password, @host, @port, true, 5, {"client-id" => "stomp", 'client-id' => 'stomp', 'clientID' => "stomp1", 'client_id' => "stomp2"} )

latter with:
@conn.subscribe(@destination, {"activemq.subscriptionName" => "stomp", :ack =>"client" })

Thanks to Calliope Sounds' Working Ruby + Stomp example blog entry, I finally managed to locate the last missing piece: the "client.join" which is necessary.

Just as a reference, here the stompcat utility as Durable topic subscriber:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
#   Copyright 2006 LogicBlaze Inc.
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.
begin; require 'rubygems'; rescue; end
require 'stomp'

# This simple script is inspired by the netcat utility.  It allows you to receive
# data from a stomp destination and output it.
# Usage: stompcat (destination-name)
# Example: stompcat /topic/foo
#   Would display output that arrives at the /topic/foo stomp destination

    @port = 61613
    @host = "localhost"
    @user = ENV["STOMP_USER"];
    @password = ENV["STOMP_PASSWORD"]

    @host = ENV["STOMP_HOST"] if ENV["STOMP_HOST"] != nil
    @port = ENV["STOMP_PORT"] if ENV["STOMP_PORT"] != nil

    @destination = "/topic/default"
    @destination = $*[0] if $*[0] != nil

    $stderr.print "Connecting to stomp://#{@host}:#{@port} as #{@user}\n"
#    @conn = => @user, :passcode => @password, :host => @host, :port => @port,  :headers => {'client-id' => 'stompcat'} )
    @conn =, @password, @host, @port, true, 5, {"client-id" => "stomp"} )
    $stderr.print "Getting output from #{@destination}\n"

    @conn.subscribe(@destination, {"activemq.subscriptionName" => "stomp", :ack =>"client" })
    while true
        @msg = @conn.receive
        $stdout.print @msg.body
        $stdout.print @msg.headers.inspect
        $stdout.print "\n" 
        @conn.ack @msg.headers["message-id"]

rescue Exception => e
 p e

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